Stories &
What are people saying about The True Meaning?
A letter from an Arab Christian Clergyman, 15 March 2009
Since the moment I first began to read this series that presents the Word of God in Middle Eastern Arabic language, I felt joy filling my heart, and I knew that a wind from God was blowing in the Arab world…
God called me to bear the good news of peace to my Muslim brothers, and I responded to the call in 1999. From the time I arrived in my current location, I discovered that Muslims desire to discuss the Bible, and the person of Jesus Christ. But whenever I opened the Scriptures with one of them I was surprised at the reactions I quickly encountered: “This is not in the Arabic language,” “This is stilted Arabic,” “This is incomprehensible Arabic.” But now the situation has completely changed, in that I feel a great confidence in myself and powerful joy whenever one of them asks for the Bible.

“I know of no other translation which has so carefully and thoughtfully brought the Word of God to its audience with a desire to bring understanding.”
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– Dr. Wes Thiessen
Historian of Islamic History, Cultural and Religious Interpreter

“I greatly rejoice and delight to see the Word of God in natural Arabic language that is accessible to Arab readers everywhere.“
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– Dr. Martin Accad,
Director of the Institute of Middle Eastern Studies at the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary

“I have personally seen the effectiveness of this translation among Arabic speakers.”
Carl Medearis,
Expert on Muslim-Christian Relations
“As the pastor of a Church in Middle East, I was very happy to find such a Bible translated in a language that fits our setting… The concepts are clear, and I will be very proud to share this book with all the people in my culture and region.”
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– Pastor Jony Hajaj
An Arab Christian Clergyman
“We have seen people really embrace this translation. They say it speaks to their hearts and the introduction clears up many misunderstandings clearly and quickly.”
– An American Christian in the Middle East
“When I read [another translation], I can read pages and pages of it, and not understand what it’s saying. When I read this translation (The True Meaning), it speaks to my heart.”
– A Reader
“As we read this Gospel, we learn how our love might become kindness and purity…”
– A celebrated Tunisian poet
This text is clear, flowing and expressive, communicating the Biblical meaning with accuracy and elegance, and with clarity, simplicity and depth.
– Saeed Baz, Specialist in Arabic language and literature
“[The True Meaning] uses language that respects God. And, if there is something that hits me as strange, like the story of Jesus turning water into wine, I can find an explanation in the footnotes to put me at ease.”
-A Reader
“‘The True Meaning’ is a new achievement in the field of translation of the Bible into the Arabic language.”
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– Dr. Issa Diab
Professor in the fields of Semitic Religions and Muslim-Christian Relations, and Translation Consultant with the United Bible Societies
“From the first word in this volume to the last, I was gradually overcome with joy, and after each page my astonishment increased and my heart and emotions were filled with amazement.”
– Lucien Accad, Former Director of the Bible Society of Lebanon
“I have been waiting for this book all my life!”
– A Yemeni reader
“This book, ‘The True Meaning of the Gospel of Christ,’ especially addresses the Arab reader in sound Arabic language, with attractive and fluent style, and with deep meanings not common to the Christian reader.”
– Father Paul Feghali, Lebanon
“I’ve read parts of the translation from a church, and never understood it. Now, when I read Jesus’ prayer in Matthew, I feel like it is something I could add to my own prayers.”
– A Reader
This is one of the most marvelous books I have read in my life, even though my personal library fills an entire room of my house and is composed of many thousands of books.
– Professor Hussam Abd Ali al-Jamal